Friday 28 February 2014

New Beginnings

If I could look like anyone, it would be Keira Knightley.  But with bigger boobs.
At the end of the day, the people who moan the most about Keira being too skinny, are the ones who are probably the most jealous.  She's one of those incredibly lucky (and rare) women who can eat pretty much what they want and not have to worry about putting the pounds on.  

Another body image I look up to is Jennifer Lawrence, and yet (for reasons unknown to me) her weight is often targeted by people who think that she could afford to lose a few pounds.  Are they seeing what I'm seeing?  
Anyway, after about ten years of loathing my own body: spending that time yo-yo dieting, not eating for several days, throwing up after meals etc. I decided to try and go about it in a mature responsible way.  Loads of people I know have recently been boldly diving into the internet and revealing their measurements and posting pictures of themselves to try and provoke themselves into doing something about it.  

So here goes....

Bust: 34.5
Waist: 27
Hips: 35

I should like to go for:

Bust: 34
Waist: 23
Hips: 30

The first couple of days while I'm trying to settle into a routine is going to be tough.  For starters, at work it's 25% off of pick n' mix.  Secondly, I need to work out what I can and cannot eat during the meantime and come up with a good physical work out.  

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